Hasbro Stories
Hasbro - 2017 - Branded Content

ADCI Awards 2018
Gold - Copywriting -
ADCI Awards 2018
Bronze - Creative Social Content & Editorial -
NC Digital Awards 2018
Gold - Influencer Marketing Awards -
NC Digital Awards 2018
Gold - Viral Video Adv -
NC Digital Awards 2018
Silver - Digital Branded Content
Hasbro games are "fun to play", but also "fun to watch".
Their strength is to engage and entertain everyone, older and younger people, creating memorable moments.
But nowadays digital entertainment seems to have taken over and that's why we launched "Hasbro Stories". The first web series inspired by users and interpreted by the most famous Italian web comedians, which tells real life moments playing Hasbro board games.
The goal is to demonstrate that board games can offer something that no video game or social network will ever offer: true relationships.
The Jackal, Edoardo Ferrario, iPantellas, Micheal Righini, Actual, My Personal Pizza, Diana Del Bufalo and Nirkiop are the main charachters of eight monthly episodes.